The Draft and the Selective Service System

Michael L. Strauss, AG
Jul 23, 2022
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Play. Playing.
10m 17s
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Civil War Draft
6m 38s
Play. Playing.
Civil War Record Groups
8m 46s
Play. Playing.
7m 03s
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19m 37s
Play. Playing.
13m 22s
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Act of 1967
10m 46s

About this webinar

The history of the draft and conscripting men for military service in the United States dates back to the days of the Revolutionary War. Individual colonies were given the authority to draft men that were called up for militia service. It wasn’t until the Civil War that the first national legislation in 1862 was passed that would enact a national draft. Since then, several Selective Service Acts in 1917, 1940, 1948, and 1967 that have account for men who would serve their country in times of crisis or emergency.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Michael L. Strauss, AG, an Accredited Genealogist and forensic investigator, is a native of Pennsylvania and a resident of Utah. He holds a BA in History and is a United States Coast Guard veteran. He is a licensed Private Investigator and qualifi
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