We all accumulate family data and perhaps organize it into pedigree charts and family group sheets. By looking at the data differently and giving it a new “twist,” we can see patterns and holes emerge. Lineage applications may point out weaknesses in our proof of descent from a certain ancestor. By writing the family narrative, whether for a book or a short article for a newsletter, new questions requiring further research are made evident. Even formulating a query for an Internet list will cause us to take a new look at our data. By sifting through old data collected years ago with our more mature genealogical eyes we can see things and relationships we would not have recognized earlier. Placing our ancestors in history through timelines can point out reasons why the records are in the jurisdictions they are found and give suggestions on where to look further. Using land platting techniques will point out relationships previously hidden from the casual observer. Many ideas are presented to help the attendee think about how the data they have already accumulated may give the next clue to continued successful results.
This class is presented live at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City as part of the Joy Reisinger Memorial Lecture Series and is being broadcasted by Legacy Family Tree Webinars.
One of the best webinars I have seen on Legacy Family Tree Webinars. Thank You.
Very interesting approaches to solving problems and presenting findings! Thanks!
I love Elissa’s personal delivery style, and she provided lots of useful tips and links I plan to explore.
Excellent! Powell gave brilliant, new ideas and names fo terrific websites for solving existing problems!
I really enjoyed the webinar. Job well done!!! Thanks E Scalise
I loved all the different things that you can do with organization in genealogy. Thanks for sharing such great information.
Great presentation! There are so many great ideas for examining the information I already have for clues.
This presentation was thorough… very comprehensive. Thank you.