mtDNA and YDNA in 2022

Diahan Southard
Sep 7, 2022
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Play. Playing.
2m 00s
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Speaker's Introduction
1m 24s
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3m 55s
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15m 41s
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Two kinds of results
13m 07s
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10m 19s
Play. Playing.
14m 56s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
4m 41s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
14m 47s
Play. Playing.
After-webinar party
9m 07s

About this webinar

We know the DNA testing industry is changing all of the time, but how much have YDNA and mtDNA changed? Let’s cover what is tried and true and what is new with these two “other” kinds of DNA tests.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Diahan Southard knows firsthand what a difference it can make to know where you came from. What started off as an educational and career interest in genetic genealogy became deeply personal when she used DNA to discover her mom’s birth parents and
Learn more...

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  1. DB
    Diane Bramley
    3 years ago

    A very thorough talk. I gained some specific tools to use. thank you. I am not going into the BigY however.
    Regards Di Bramley, Australia

  2. KF
    Kelly Finchum
    3 years ago

    Best speaker ever!

  3. RD
    Rosalyn Dowling
    3 years ago

    Diahan’s presentations are always excellent! Thank you!

  4. GL
    Graham Lowe
    3 years ago

    I can’t help but learn something new every time I attend a webinar presented by Diahan Southard. I truly appreciate her enthusiasm and willingness to teach and to share her knowledge and experience garnered throughout her career as a Genetic Genealogist.

  5. RP
    Rona POTIKI
    3 years ago

    Diahan is a great speaker, clear and so enthusiastic. I hoped I would get to understand the YDNA-MDNA a tad better, but unfortuntely I still need to read a lot more to get the basic grounding required. I have Diahan’s book ‘Your DNA Guide’ in pdf, but I think I need to get the hard copy for me to get the best from it.

  6. JH
    Judith Hughes
    3 years ago

    Outstanding as are all Diahan’s webinars.

  7. DM
    Dee Mathews
    3 years ago

    Diahan is simply the greatest at explaining the difficult subject of DNA. I love her graphics which helps me remember what she is teaching. She is so kind and patient. I remember her telling us years ago that to learn DNA, you just need to watch more and more webinars until it starts to “click.” She never makes anyone feel dumb for not picking up this complicated subject immediately. Traits of a fantastic teacher. I never want to miss one of her webinars.

  8. JK
    Jean Kitsembel
    3 years ago

    Diahan is a great speaker. I really enjoyed learning about the DNA. I have a better understanding of how to read the results now.


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