Legacy 9 Unlocked (part 6): Adding a Death Certificate

Geoff Rasmussen
Sep 7, 2018
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Play. Playing.
2m 54s
Play. Playing.
1m 44s
Play. Playing.
Step 1 - Create To Do and Research
12m 33s
Play. Playing.
Step 2 - Source Clipboard
16m 47s
Play. Playing.
Step 3 - add new data
18m 45s
Play. Playing.
Step 4 - add image to event
2m 21s
Play. Playing.
Step 5 - Close To Do item
1m 53s
Play. Playing.
Step 6 - Plan
2m 04s
Play. Playing.
Step 7 - File paper document
1m 30s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
5m 51s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
24m 56s

About this webinar

In this series, Legacy’s Geoff Rasmussen will guide you through the step-by-steps of properly adding genealogy documents, citations, and digital media to your Legacy Family Tree 9 software. Each class is based on a different chapter in his popular book, Legacy 9 Unlocked: Techniques, Tips and Step-By-Steps for Using Legacy Family Tree to Record Your Genealogy. Watch them in order if you want to  follow the mystery or jump around to capture the instructions.
In this class, “Adding a Death Certificate,” you will learn the seven steps of adding a death certificate to Legacy.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Geoffrey D. Rasmussen is the father of four budding genealogists. He graduated with a degree in Genealogy and Family History from Brigham Young University and has served as director and vice-president of the Utah Genealogical Association. He is th
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    Absolutely outstanding, look forward to the next installment

    alway nice discovering with Geof

    Always enjoy the Watch Geoff Live webinars, and especially when he makes “live” discoveries!

    Always fun with Geoff’s webinars. Great presentation and wonderful learning opportunity! Thanks!

    Always GREAT !!! I always learn at least one new thing from his Webinars !!

    Always learn something new!

    Always love Geoff’s webinars. This one was great because he showed me how to find records in New York City using Family Search. I’ve used Italian Gen for a very long time, but this one will add to my research.
    Thanks for all the great info once again!!!!

    Always nice to see Geoff live performing research and using Legacy. I learn something always. Once a month is not enough! 🙂

    Another great webinar from Geoff complete with tips and tricks as usual!

    Another Winner!

    as always learned a lot

    As always, EXCELLENT!

    As always, I learn something new each webinar you do Geoff.

    As always, learned a few more new tips.

    Entertaining and instructive.


    Excellent as always and the bonus tips are much appreciated!!!!

    Excellent as always! Love the additional tips that Geoff gives when he is adding to his personal file!

    Excellent as always. I learn something new every time I watch a webinar! Thanks

    Excellent webinar! I always enjoy and appreciate the special hands on with Geoff webinars. So much helpful information today. Awesome tips! Thanks so much!!!

    Excellent webinar. I would like to see a webinar on adding records indexed on a site like JRI-Poland.org. Some of the records are linked to the documents at the Polish State Archives and some only have limited information from the initial search.

    Excellent. So much information. And interesting. Thank you.

    Extremely informative. I thought I knew all I needed to know about entering a death cert.—no I learned some things!

    Fantastic as always. Great information and tips.

    For me, this has been the best “”unlocked”” yet.

    Geoff always does an excellent job !! Especially love his impromptu tips and shortcuts !

    Geoff-Live format is always very informative and entertaining to boot.


    great as always, hands-on demo!

    Great as normal

    Great as usual

    Great for explaining the features of Legacy 9.

    Great information!!!

    Great Job

    Great material, fun presentation. Learned a lot, will be reviewing the webinar to cement in the material.

    Great pace of instruction. Learn a lot from your answers to submitted questions. Thank you.

    Great presenter – good explanations. I also liked the ad libs.

    Great resources and additional tips, loved it.

    Great tips, especially the extras!

    Great webinar and as always I learn with all of the pop up hints from Geoff.


    Great, lots of new tips!

    Had to leave early due to a work emergency…will watch taped version! Thanks so much for the info!

    He showed how to add citations and use the notebook to keep messages and much more.

    Helpful as usual when Geoff has a webinar. Thanks .

    Helpful information for Adding a Death Certificate to my Legacy software. Thank you!

    I actually understood what was happening in the webinar today. The presenter was personable, knew what the program, did NOT RUSH TODAY, and made it an exciting webinar. Thank you so much for these webinars. I have learned so much by attending them. They are the best! I like that questions can be asked and answered in a nice way so one does not feel bad about asking.

    I always learn something new from the Legacy Unlocked webinars.

    I ALWAYS learn something with these webinairs.


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