Legacy 9 Unlocked (part 4): Adding Estate/Probate Records

Geoff Rasmussen
Jul 6, 2018
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Play. Playing.
4m 37s
Play. Playing.
1 - To Do Item and Research
9m 01s
Play. Playing.
2 - Source Clipboard
12m 46s
Play. Playing.
3 - Add and Cite
25m 21s
Play. Playing.
4 - Close To Do Item
1m 17s
Play. Playing.
5 - Plan
1m 31s
Play. Playing.
6 - File
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
6m 26s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
22m 57s

About this webinar

In this series, Legacy’s Geoff Rasmussen will guide you through the step-by-steps of properly adding genealogy documents, citations, and digital media to your Legacy Family Tree 9 software. Each class is based on a different chapter in his popular book, Legacy 9 Unlocked: Techniques, Tips and Step-By-Steps for Using Legacy Family Tree to Record Your Genealogy. Watch them in order if you want to  follow the mystery or jump around to capture the instructions.
In this class, “Adding Estate/Probate Records,” you will learn the six steps of adding estate/probate records to Legacy.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Geoffrey D. Rasmussen is the father of four budding genealogists. He graduated with a degree in Genealogy and Family History from Brigham Young University and has served as director and vice-president of the Utah Genealogical Association. He is th
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    Geoff continues to pull the elements of Legacy together while making it fun

    A great combination of how-to, tips and a surprise ending!

    A Winner!!!

    Adds another layer to making something new more understandable.

    After listening to this webinar and the previous ones, Legacy seems to incorporate many of the things I am looking for in a geneology program.

    always enjoy observing and learning in real time. Thanks Geoff

    Always learn something new…. THANKS !!!

    another excellent webinar

    Another Great Webinar by Geoff Rasmussen

    AOK. Great.

    As always, Geoff makes look EASY!

    Excellent ~ I am a new user to Legacy and Geoff was very well spoken. Nicely paced also so that I could follow along.

    Excellent and easily understood information. Thanks for making these available.

    Excellent as always from Geoff. Thanks!

    Excellent as always!!!!

    Excellent information, as usual! Thank you!

    Excellent! I so enjoy these ‘Watch Geoff Live’ and ‘How tos’ in Legacy! I think I’m going to ‘start over’ my Legacy file, and do things (in order) the way you’ve been teaching us, b/c I had NO IDEA what I was doing when I first got Legacy!

    Fantastic as always.


    Geoff always teaches me new tricks!

    Geoff never disappoints! I love his webinars; always learn some new tips and tricks. Thank you!!!

    Geoff’s great!

    Good webinar. Almost missed it b/c my screen suddenly flip horizontally and I panicked. Fortunately, I called Easy Works and they told me- on the spot- how to fix it. I was able to rejoin the webinar without missing too much. Geoff is fantastic! Thanks.

    Great – learn something every time.

    Great fun!

    Great Geoff!


    Great presentation! Citations/Sources have been my stubbling block. I love the Geoff’s live webinars, I learn so much. Thank you! 🙂

    Great presentation. Love these surprise finds after searching.

    Great webanar. Love watching Jeff live. ALways learn so much. Thank you

    Great webinar with lots of help to finalise a number points I have been trying to review. Need to watch the first part of the webinar again. Fantastic info for using Legacy 9.

    I always come away with new ideas on where to research, as well as shortcuts for working in Legacy.

    I always enjoy the Watch Geoff Live webinars. It’s helpful to see him go through the process of adding new information to Legacy, and even better when he discovers something new while doing the webinar!

    I always learn something new about Legacy. It’s such a great program.

    I always learn something new either about the program or about methodology. I’m amazed by the thought that has gone into the program and the little shortcuts that Geoff shows.

    I enjoy the Geoff Live webinars. Keep up the good work.

    I just keep learning and learning! Now the application of what I learn is easier, especially if I work on it immediately!

    I learned a lot. Thanks for the extra tips.

    I learned so much. I need to review it again. Thanks

    It is amazing what Legacy can do!

    learned a lot with many tips thrown in as extras.

    Learned more about using Legacy, and great to watch Geoff find info.

    Learned so much! Thanks Goeff!

    Learned the trick for cycling through siblings. Love it.

    Lots of NEW SHORT CUTS!!! Thank you for the Surprise Estate Probate for Ellen Williams.

    Love all the info about using Legacy in addition to the actual subject matter !! Geoff does a great job !!

    Love these Legacy Webinars!

    Loved it! It’s a good experience to see how someone else does it; to see how they think, etc. as well as how to do what I can never quite figure out every time. Great job!

    Once again, great webinar. I learned a few new tips and some great review.

    Outstanding. Not only covered the main topic but covered several areas such as linking and unlinking that were confusing to me. Great Job !!

    So many hints and shortcuts to start using! I always learn something new.

    SUPER !!!


    The watch Geoff live series just keeps getting better and better.

    These live webinars always teach and help. Recommending this company to everyone!

    This was fun.

    Todays webinar was great. Love the teacher and love Legacy. Glad I am learning how to utilize all of it’s features.

    Very Good

    Very Good! You are so interesting! I love Legacy 9.

    Very Helpful

    Very helpful and interesting

    Very helpful to see Geoff manipulate the software!

    Very intense.

    Well presented. Excellent aids.

    WOW just WOW did I learn a lot today. Thanks Geoff


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