How to successfully research at a German archive

Andrea Bentschneider
Apr 12, 2024
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Play. Playing.
4m 34s
Play. Playing.
23m 12s
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At the Archive
8m 22s
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2m 25s
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Announcements / prizes
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Questions / answers
10m 04s

About this webinar

Due to the constantly growing offer of online accessible sources for German genealogical research, an important cornerstone of the actual research is more and more disregarded: the classical research in an archive. A good preparation facilitates the archive visit immensely and makes the search in the historical documents an experience that will never replace a research on the screen. Particularly if you intend to add “meat to the bones” and find more valuable information about your ancestors besides dates and places of birth, marriage and/or death. There are many individual records in German archives and it would be a shame never to look at these wonderful documents. A visit to a German archive can be rather intimidating. Besides language barriers, the archival structures are initially often difficult to understand. But help is near! This presentation will cover professional tips & tricks for research in a German Archive – from preparation over execution to follow-up, if applicable. If you are unfamiliar with a specific archive, it is already difficult as a German to make the most of an archival research visit. Particularly as archives do not offer to conduct complex research projects on your behalf, you have to be prepared to do it yourself.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Andrea Bentschneider, based in Hamburg, Germany, is renowned for her expertise and contributions to the field of genealogy. Since establishing “Beyond History” in 2004, she has emerged as Germany’s foremost expert in genealogical
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  1. SH
    Sheryl Hove
    11 months ago


  2. RO
    Ross Oberin
    12 months ago

    Thank you, Andrea, for a very thorough and very comprehensive overview of how to get the most out of a visit to German archives. Needless to say, your valuable and common-sense checklist is applicable to visits to almost every archive, so researchers who follow your list should avoid any issues in even the most strictly operated archive. I am putting my checklist together now, based on your very helpful and experience and insight, before I even think about setting off for my next archive visit. A very helpful and professionally delivered presentation.

  3. AW
    Allison Willis
    12 months ago

    Excellent as always!!

  4. BD
    Barbara Di Mambro
    12 months ago

    Made an archive visit so necessary on bucket list.

  5. DW
    Dee Win
    12 months ago

    Reminds me of my trips to some of the German archives in Bavaria. Very thorough presentation with lots of good advice and tips. Thank you Andrea.

  6. AS
    Angela Southworth
    12 months ago

    So many things to think about when visiting an archive. Andrea painted a detailed picture of prior planning and timing, what to take with you, what to expect while you are at the archive, how to best utilize your time, etc. Great information to consider regardless of where your archive is located.

  7. MG
    Martin Gurtz
    12 months ago

    Everything covered was well presented. Thanks to the speaker for answering my question that I posted to the webinar site! My only suggestion would be add a basic starting point of how to create a list of archives that may exist in the specific region I might be visiting or the location where my ancestors lived. How do I know where to go (municipal records, Catholic Diocese Archives, where are State Archives, or other record offices I should plan to visit)?

  8. RP
    Robert Pulse
    12 months ago

    Looking forward to the list of 16 archives, the contact information, and coverage – Will use for research plan – I have at least 16 people and locations in Germany to research – I did sigh up for the news letter


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