A Day Out With Your DNA

Diahan Southard
Oct 2, 2019
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Play. Playing.
1m 58s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 13s
Play. Playing.
10m 26s
Play. Playing.
Raw Data
4m 27s
Play. Playing.
Transfer vs Testing
7m 48s
Play. Playing.
Shared cM Tool
3m 44s
Play. Playing.
What Are The Odds?
5m 19s
Play. Playing.
Gedmatch Genesis
7m 54s
Play. Playing.
Genetic Networks
9m 08s
Play. Playing.
9m 16s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
5m 00s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
15m 29s

About this webinar

While DNA testing for genealogy is no longer a new idea, many companies are offering a new way to look at your DNA.  In this lecture we will cover the biggest and brightest options, and help you decide where you should take your DNA, and how to make the most of it.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Diahan Southard knows firsthand what a difference it can make to know where you came from. What started off as an educational and career interest in genetic genealogy became deeply personal when she used DNA to discover her mom’s birth parents and
Learn more...

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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    A lot of information, but it was organized and presented very well. I hope to view another webinar with Diahan Southard in the near future. She is very easy to follow.

    A lot of tips how I can go further to verify my GEDCOM.

    A lot to absorb in an hour.

    Always good to try and keep up with what I may have missed that is going on in the word of genealogy. It evolves so fast that sometimes I can’t keep up with everything and indeed always seem to miss something. There is always something new to learn in every webinar no matter what the topic, and I consider my subscription very valuable and of great value.

    Always like to hear from Diahan. She simplifies DNA for me.

    as always, a really wonderfully clear presentation

    As always, Diahan Southard has a very interestingly informative way of expressing the subject matter she wishes to share. I really appreciate her colorful power point slides and her excellent teaching methodology. Thank you!

    As always, great content, easily understandable.

    As always, I learn something from Diahan.


    Bravo! Her enthusiasm is contagious.

    can we give her a 6

    Clarified many areas I had questions on. Thank you!

    Comprehensive explanation of DNA testing companies and tools that are available. Great presentation skills and PowerPoint.

    D really knows her material and how to formulate it for us intermediates!

    Definitely one to watch again. Very interesting & helpful.

    Diahan added a lot of knowledge and smarts on making DNA easier to use!

    Diahan always presents the information in a way that is very understandable. Great webinar.

    Diahan has a great way of explaining “sciency” topics.

    Diahan is always a 5

    Diahan is always so informative and entertaining. Great job dealing with the “technical difficulties” all.

    Diahan is an excellent and knowledgeable speaker.

    Diahan is an exciting and important presenter. Her webinars are always informative and most useful. Diahan makes it easier for us dumbbells.

    Diahan Makes this subject understandable in a way other presenters don’t. Can’t say enough good things about her

    Diahan Southard is always excellent. I still have a hard time understanding my DNA results, but she makes it easier.

    Diahan Southard’s presentation made this exploration beyond a testing company an instant-get-it. Lots of fun mixed with solid reasoning, and good basis to venture out. Will recommend this to old and new genetic genealogists.

    Diahan Southard’s webinars are always easy to understand.

    Diahann is always GREAT!

    Diahan’s presentations are always fun and informative. I never miss one if I can help it. This was particularly timely for me as I just decided to dive back into my DNA results.

    Diahan’s webinar’s on DNA are always informative and enjoyable. Tops in her field!

    Diane is always an excellent presenter, and engaging in her enthusiasm.

    Diane’s webinars/talks are so informative, helpful, and entertaining! Love listening and learning from her. Thank you.

    dna is so confusing to my, dont know why but I just cant seem to grasp it when I try to review after the classes. I have tested or uploaded to the various companies and have as many people as I can get tested. thanks for a great webinar. I look forward to going back to review it.

    DNA tools in terms I can understand.

    Excellent – both content and presentation. She makes Genetic Genealogy interesting!

    excellent Diahan!

    Excellent job of simplifying

    Excellent presentation and how to deal with one’s DNA results after receiving them. Diahan provide very clear explanations of all the available third party tools. I attended a presentation of DNA Painter given by Jonny Perl at Rootstech 2018, and found Diahan’s explanation much more comprehensible! Thank you.

    Excellent presentation.

    Excellent presenter, made what is quite difficult really easy to understand

    Excellent review of major third party tools. Clear, concise.

    Excellent speaker

    Excellent thanks! As always a very clear explanation of her subject.

    Excellent! Always learn something new!

    Excellent, as always!

    Extremely helpful in understanding DNA tools – Exquisite presentation!

    EXTREMELY helpful!!! Thank you 🙂

    Extremely informative.


    Fantastic webinar with many useful tips

    Fun and informative

    Good explanation

    Good overview of 3rd Party tools.

    Got pulled away for a few minutes about halfway through, but there was a lot of new information when I came back. Good job!

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago


    Great presenter – very knowledgeable and very well prepared. Her slides were highly professional. (Also, kudos to Geoff and Diahan for quickly addressing the technical problem at the start of the webinar.)

    Great seminar, great sources, Thanks Diahan

    Great summary of third party tools. And yes, a webinar or two on WATO would be great!

    Great to hear about new tools.

    Great webinar. So many tools to check out!



    Had a hard time staying for the entire webinar as I wanted to go try the new things as Diahan mentioned them.


    Her presentations are the best…always learn something new in a fun way.

    I always appreciate when someone can prioritize sources and avenues of research

    I appreciated Diahan’s practical plan for which companies to test with and which to transfer to. I have a much better idea of the value of these third party sites to my research and goals. Thank you.

    I couldn’t take notes fast enough. This was a very informative webinar on a complicated subject. I appreciated the rating and the information of the third party tools.

    I got a little lost, but that’s okay.

    I have not had my DNA tested, so it’s interesting to hear and see some of the ins and outs of it all. Thanks Diahan! This is my first genealogy webinar and now I think I’ll sign up and try it out for a year.

    i loved this presentation and I am going to follow some of the guidelines presented

    I want more webinars by this speaker.

    I will be watching this webinar again- so helpful!

    Informative, but very fast paced. She certainly knows her stuff!

    Interesting information, though I was lost a bit. Probably because I just had testing done. I can see I have much to learn

    I’ve learned about some new tools I need to check out!

    Learned a lot, thanks!

    Lots of terrific information that will take a while to digest and put to good use.

    lots to think about

    Love Diahan, she makes everything so much easier to understand.

    Love her analogies – very helpful in understanding and getting the point

    More Diahan!

    more info than I needed, but well presented. Always enjoy Diahan.

    More questions than answers. Above my level of understanding, but appriciate all she offered.


    Overwhelming, but will save links.

  3. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    Rarely give 5’s because perfection is hard to achieve. But Diahan has a unique ability to make the confusing seem less so. Will listen to this one again . . . and again! Bring her back whenever she has a new topic!

    Really enjoyed the webinar. Diahan is a super duper webinar presenter. Great tips and advice. I will make a point of watching her other other webinars in the library.

    She always makes things easier to understand

    She does make it easy to understand!

    She is always fantastic. I learn something new each time I listen to her. And today was no exception.

    So much DNA information so little time. Thanks for the help.

    So much information presented in a manner that made it fun and easy to understand.

    So much to learn…after this I feel more comfortable with what I’ve been doing.

    Soooooooooo informative. will definitely be watching again. Loved it

    Thank you for all the information. I have got to make some time to sit down and study everything.

    Thanks Diahan, it was great to hear you again

    Thanks! Can’t get enough on DNA

    The love Diahan’s presentations. I always learn so much. Thanks.

    The overview of the different tools was much needed. It will help keep me from wasting time and going in circles. 🙂

    This answered many of my questions — and documented some of my privacy concerns. Super helpful!

    Thunbs up!

    Today Diahan Southard did a webinar “A Day Out With Your DNA”. It is a much watch if you missed it you should put it in your playlist. Excellent information and I now understand 1st cousin Once Removed!!! Going to look up her other webinars and putting them in my Playlists!

    Very clear and usable information.

    Very Enjoyable Webinar, will have to watch it again.

    Very enjoyable. Easy breakdown of the various DNA tools. My head wasn’t spinning during the presentation.??

    Very good

    Very good at explaining some of the finer points of the use of dna in genealogy and what tools may be of benefit in our research.

    Very helpful in finding out new things going on about DNA analysis and use. Plus new websites and services.

    Very informative

    Very informative

    Very informative

    Very informative & fun. Lots of good sources. I will go back and watch one of her earlier presentations.

    Very informative and definitely easy to follow. Great job explaining what to do with our DNA first and then other resources to use for specific tools.

    Very informative I learned a lot. Would recommend this webinar to anyone I know!

    Very informative!

    Very informative, loved the power point presentation.

    We are going to use her company to help us… She is enjoyable to listen to… and understandable…

    Well done. Clear examples.


    Wonderful, wonderful!!!

    yep…this really helped explain so much…thank you

    Yikes, so many resources . . .


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