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Family Tree Builder-ohjelman käyttäminen
Juha Vuorela
Family Tree Builder-ohjelman käyttäminen
Mon, December 7 2020: 0:00 UTC
Kaikki MyHeritage-osumista
Opi hyödyntämään Smart Matches-, Record Matches- sekä DNA-osumia ja Instant Discoveries-löytöjä
Opi hyödyntämään Smart Matches-, Record Matches- sekä DNA-osumia ja Instant Discoveries-löytöjä
Mon, November 9 2020: 0:00 UTC
Johdonmukainen sukupuu
Kuinka pidät sukupuusi johdonmukaisena ja korjaat epäjohdonmukaisuuksia
Kuinka pidät sukupuusi johdonmukaisena ja korjaat epäjohdonmukaisuuksia
Mon, October 12 2020: 0:00 UTC
Tietoa erilaisista MyHeritage-sopimuksista ja niiden hyödyistä
Tietoa erilaisista MyHeritage-sopimuksista ja niiden hyödyistä
Mon, September 14 2020: 0:00 UTC
Vanhat valokuvat ja MyHeritage InColor
Opettele käsittelemään vanhoja valokuvia ja värittämään niitä MyHeritage InColorilla
Opettele käsittelemään vanhoja valokuvia ja värittämään niitä MyHeritage InColorilla
Mon, August 10 2020: 0:00 UTC
Sanomalehtiarkisto sukututkijan apuna
Opettele käyttämään historiallisten sanomalehtien arkistoa sukututkimuksesi apuna
Opettele käyttämään historiallisten sanomalehtien arkistoa sukututkimuksesi apuna
Mon, July 13 2020: 0:00 UTC
Sukututkimuskaaviot ja raportit
Kuinka teen sukututkimuskaavioita ja raportteja suoraan ohjelmasta?
Kuinka teen sukututkimuskaavioita ja raportteja suoraan ohjelmasta?
Mon, June 15 2020: 0:00 UTC
Theory of Family Relativity
Kuinka Theory of Relativity-työkalu voi antaa sinulle vastauksia sukulaisuussuhteista, jotka ovat saaneet sinut ymmälle
Kuinka Theory of Relativity-työkalu voi antaa sinulle vastauksia sukulaisuussuhteista, jotka ovat saaneet sinut ymmälle
Mon, May 11 2020: 0:00 UTC
Kuinka automaattinen DNA-osumien ryhmittely voi auttaa sukututkimustasi?
Juha Vuorela
Kuinka automaattinen DNA-osumien ryhmittely voi auttaa sukututkimustasi?
Mon, April 6 2020: 0:00 UTC
Lähteiden käyttö sukututkimuksessa
Lähteiden käyttö sukututkimuksessa
Mon, March 9 2020: 0:00 UTC
Family Tree Builder-sukupuuohjelma
Ilmaisen Family Tree Builder -sukupuuohjelman esittely
Ilmaisen Family Tree Builder -sukupuuohjelman esittely
Mon, February 3 2020: 0:00 UTC
DNA-osumien tarkasteleminen
Tarkastele DNA-osumiasi ja löydä sukulaisuuspolkuja heihin MyHeritagen työkalujen avulla.
Tarkastele DNA-osumiasi ja löydä sukulaisuuspolkuja heihin MyHeritagen työkalujen avulla.
Tue, January 7 2020: 0:00 UTC

Upcoming Live Webinars

View all (172)
Thu, January 9 2025: 1:00 UTC
Genealogy Meets AI: Panel Discussion
Thu, January 9 2025: 1:00 UTC
Dive into the intersection of cutting-edge AI technology and traditional genealogy methods. Our panel of experts will discuss practical applications, ethical challenges, and the future of AI in family history research, empowering you to harness its potential responsibly. Panelists include Andrew Redfern, Blaine Bettinger, Diana Elder, Mark Thompson, Steve Little, and Thomas MacEntee.
Dive into the intersection of cutting-edge AI technology and traditional genealogy methods. Our panel of experts will discuss practical applications, ethical challenges, and the future of AI in family history research, empowering you to harness its potential responsibly. Panelists include Andrew Redfern, Blaine Bettinger, Diana Elder, Mark Thompson, Steve Little, and Thomas MacEntee.
Thu, January 9 2025: 1:00 UTC
Fri, January 10 2025: 19:00 UTC
Researching in Yorkshire
Fri, January 10 2025: 19:00 UTC
Yorkshire is the largest county in England and was historically divided into three Ridings: West, North and East. Today there are four sub-counties in Yorkshire. The webinar will explain the complexities of parish jurisdictions and county boundary changes to assist in locating the relevant archives, and societies, for researching records and documents. The varied landscape will be explored to provide a background to the main industries which influenced migration in and around Yorkshire.
Yorkshire is the largest county in England and was historically divided into three Ridings: West, North and East. Today there are four sub-counties in Yorkshire. The webinar will explain the complexities of parish jurisdictions and county boundary changes to assist in locating the relevant archives, and societies, for researching records and documents. The varied landscape will be explored to provide a background to the main industries which influenced migration in and around Yorkshire.
Fri, January 10 2025: 19:00 UTC
Tue, January 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
MyHeritage: Your Family Stories are Just One Click Away
Tue, January 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
Locating, documenting and proving family stories can be difficult but using the MyHeritage websites records can help us. Learn what can be found on the website to help you document and tell your ancestors stories.
Locating, documenting and proving family stories can be difficult but using the MyHeritage websites records can help us. Learn what can be found on the website to help you document and tell your ancestors stories.
Tue, January 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
Wed, January 15 2025: 19:00 UTC
Collaborative Trees: Making Them Work for You
Wed, January 15 2025: 19:00 UTC
Genealogists can work together using the FamilySearch Family Tree, WikiTree, and Geni. Learn the differences among them and the best practices for each.
Genealogists can work together using the FamilySearch Family Tree, WikiTree, and Geni. Learn the differences among them and the best practices for each.
Wed, January 15 2025: 19:00 UTC
Thu, January 16 2025: 12:00 UTC
La généalogie et les enfants : comment intéresser les jeunes générations à leur histoire familiale
Thu, January 16 2025: 12:00 UTC
Qu’adviendra-t-il de votre généalogie lorsque vous passerez du statut de généalogiste de la famille à celui d’ancêtre ? Les jeunes générations de votre famille aimeront-elles la généalogie comme vous ? Contribueront-elles à faire vivre vos histoires familiales ? Découvrez comment utiliser les fonctionnalités de MyHeritage pour impliquer vos enfants et petits-enfants.
Qu’adviendra-t-il de votre généalogie lorsque vous passerez du statut de généalogiste de la famille à celui d’ancêtre ? Les jeunes générations de votre famille aimeront-elles la généalogie comme vous ? Contribueront-elles à faire vivre vos histoires familiales ? Découvrez comment utiliser les fonctionnalités de MyHeritage pour impliquer vos enfants et petits-enfants.
Thu, January 16 2025: 12:00 UTC
Fri, January 17 2025: 19:00 UTC
Las Californias: Alta, Baja, and Beyond
Fri, January 17 2025: 19:00 UTC
Learn about key records and repositories to support your research of eighteenth and nineteenth century ancestors from present-day California and nearby regions. We will also cover important historical events and context to help identify additional resources for your research.
Learn about key records and repositories to support your research of eighteenth and nineteenth century ancestors from present-day California and nearby regions. We will also cover important historical events and context to help identify additional resources for your research.
Fri, January 17 2025: 19:00 UTC
Wed, January 22 2025: 1:00 UTC
The Everleigh Sisters: A Case Study in Conflict Resolution
Wed, January 22 2025: 1:00 UTC
Minna and Ada Everleigh, Chicago’s most famous pair of sisters, fabricated many details of their lives in order to run their shady business. Learn to sort fact from fiction.
Minna and Ada Everleigh, Chicago’s most famous pair of sisters, fabricated many details of their lives in order to run their shady business. Learn to sort fact from fiction.
Wed, January 22 2025: 1:00 UTC
Wed, January 22 2025: 19:00 UTC
Using the Collaborate Tool at FamilySearch
Wed, January 22 2025: 19:00 UTC
Have you enjoyed a unified effort in which you accomplished so much more with the help of others than you could ever have done alone? The cooperation, connection, and associations that result from such unified effort also established a protection to the results that were unexpected. Join Karen Clifford as she shares a ten-year experiment using the Collaborate tool at FamilySearch to shine a light on selected ancestors, and help to attract unknown, yet later proven relatives to our common family tree. See how the partnership between FamilySearch, and MyHeritage opened the previously closed door to a new generation.
Have you enjoyed a unified effort in which you accomplished so much more with the help of others than you could ever have done alone? The cooperation, connection, and associations that result from such unified effort also established a protection to the results that were unexpected. Join Karen Clifford as she shares a ten-year experiment using the Collaborate tool at FamilySearch to shine a light on selected ancestors, and help to attract unknown, yet later proven relatives to our common family tree. See how the partnership between FamilySearch, and MyHeritage opened the previously closed door to a new generation.
Wed, January 22 2025: 19:00 UTC
10 Practical Uses of AI for Family History
Fri, January 24 2025: 19:00 UTC
Discover how artificial intelligence can revolutionise your approach to family history in this engaging webinar. We’ll explore ten practical applications of AI, from streamlining research and automating transcription tasks to enhancing the way you share stories and findings. This session will demonstrate how AI can save time, increase accuracy, and open up new possibilities in genealogical research. Whether you’re just beginning to explore AI or looking to enhance your current practices, this webinar will provide you with practical examples to integrate AI into your family history projects.
Discover how artificial intelligence can revolutionise your approach to family history in this engaging webinar. We’ll explore ten practical applications of AI, from streamlining research and automating transcription tasks to enhancing the way you share stories and findings. This session will demonstrate how AI can save time, increase accuracy, and open up new possibilities in genealogical research. Whether you’re just beginning to explore AI or looking to enhance your current practices, this webinar will provide you with practical examples to integrate AI into your family history projects.
Fri, January 24 2025: 19:00 UTC