Foundations of Irish Genealogy 10: Registry of Deeds

John Grenham
Mar 15, 2017
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Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
Registry of Deeds
Play. Playing.
Memorial Books
2m 44s
Play. Playing.
Registry Background
6m 50s
Play. Playing.
6m 49s
Play. Playing.
16m 47s
Play. Playing.
The Genealogical Office
4m 25s
Play. Playing.
Ulster Office of Arms
5m 20s
Play. Playing.
1943 to Present
6m 51s
Play. Playing.
14m 20s
Play. Playing.

About this webinar

Since 1704, the Registry of Deeds in Dublin has been providing legal registration of property transactions, often recording precious extended-family information in the process. The LDS Family History Library has a full set of the records up to 1929 on 2686 microfilms, but they are woefully misunderstood and underused. The talk covers the nature of the transactions, the individuals involved and the main routes of access, with examples and images of the records. This talk also covers the Genealogical Office. 

About the speaker

About the speaker

John Grenham came to Irish professional genealogy in 1981, as one of the panel of Irish Genealogical Office researchers and later worked for Hibernian Research. As in-house researcher for the Genealogical Office in 1990-91, he was instrumental in
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