Were they Orphans at all? DNA and the Orphan Train: Finding Kathryn’s Family

Nancy Gavin Koester
Sep 15, 2021
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Play. Playing.
2m 23s
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Speaker's Introduction
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6m 19s
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1850s New York City
3m 44s
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Aid Societies
4m 46s
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Case Study
18m 19s
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What Really Happened?
11m 25s
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Announcements / prizes
8m 57s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
19m 20s

About this webinar

Kathryn Paulus was an orphan train rider. Using modern techniques, can we find her family and answer the question — were they orphans after all?

About the speaker

About the speaker

Nancy Gavin Koester is a Western NY native, having grown up in Hamburg, NY. She has been involved in genealogy for over 40 years, starting at the age of 13. Nancy has been a professional genealogist for over 25 years. She has a certificate in Gene
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  1. SC
    Seamus Crowe
    3 years ago

    Great presenter, an interesting story, well delivered with much to think about.
    Interesting double generation adoption possibilities make you think too. The numbers are staggering, so many children lost to conventional genealogy and so difficult to find on paper.
    Consequences of war – so many men in the First World War never came back, they chose to leave what they had left behind and start a new life elsewhere.

  2. MC
    Maureen Cole
    4 years ago

    What a story! Thanks for the photographs in trying to explain the generations – it was helpful.

  3. SS
    Stephen Schwartz
    4 years ago

    Excellent case study with a tons of research tips.

  4. TB
    Therese Beckman
    4 years ago

    Even though I have no familial connection to the Orphan Train children, I find it a fascinating and tragic story. The research process used was a great model to follow and I thank Ms. Koester for so generously sharing her methodology with us.

  5. KR
    Kathy Rieberger
    4 years ago

    Every webinar helps with ideas for mine family information gathering. Thanks

  6. BF
    Barbara Fisgus
    4 years ago

    I read the OrphanTrain book that she mentioned. Very interesting, as well as her presentation.

  7. CD
    Clara Draganowski
    4 years ago

    Interesting topic. Always enjoy learning new things.

  8. RD
    Rosalyn Dowling
    4 years ago

    I do not have a ancestor who rode the Orphan Train. I found Nancy’s Case Study using DNA, most interesting. Thank you!
