Les outils photo de pointe de MyHeritage

Elisabeth Zetland

Découvrez les outils photo indispensables de MyHeritage ! Depuis 2020, MyHeritage est le leader mondial pour les technologies des photos. Lors de cette session, Elisabeth Zetland, membre de l’équipe de Recherche chez MyHeritage, vous expliquera tout sur les outils photo les plus récents et comment ils peuvent enrichir vos recherches généalogiques grâce aux photos de famille.

Tue, July 30 2024: 11:00 UTC

About the speakers

About the speakers

French-born Elisabeth Zetland earned her Ph.D. (with Honors) in medieval history from Paul Valéry University in Montpellier, France. Her ground-breaking original research traced the family trees of Jewish families residing in Florence, Italy in th
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MyHeritage is the leading global destination for discovering, preserving and sharing family history. Our platform and DNA kits make it easy for anyone, anywhere to embark on a meaningful journey into their past and treasure their family stories fo
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