The Influence of Free and Cheap Land on Migration

Annette Burke Lyttle, CG
Mar 19, 2025
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Play. Playing.
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About BCG
3m 18s
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Speaker's Introduction
1m 03s
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1m 45s
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Land Grants
15m 17s
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Colonial Bounty Land
6m 14s
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US Bounty Land
19m 49s
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Federal & State Cash Sales
6m 22s
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3m 23s
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1m 07s
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Questions / answers
11m 11s

About this webinar

From the beginning of European settlement in North America, free and inexpensive land has been a tool for enticing settlers to migrate to new areas. The English and Spanish granted large tracts to individuals in return for bringing new people into areas with sparse European populations. Bounty land was granted to soldiers in America’s early wars. The end of the American Revolution led to a number of Federal plans to sell or grant vast acreages of public domain land. Homesteading opportunities attracted Americans and immigrants to the west after the Civil War. The availability of affordable land was a catalyst for the migration of many of our ancestors.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Annette Burke Lyttle, CG® owns Heritage Detective, LLC, providing professional genealogical services in research, education, and writing. She speaks on a variety of genealogical topics at the international, national, state, and local levels and lo
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Key points and insights

Annette Lyttle explains how the availability of affordable land acted as a catalyst for migration for many ancestors. The presentation covers colonial land grants, military bounty land, cash sales, and homesteading.

Key takeaways include:

  • Colonial land grants were used by European powers to attract settlers to new areas in North America.
  • Military bounty land was granted to soldiers as an incentive to serve in wars and to populate frontier areas.
  • The Homestead Act of 1862 allowed individuals and families to acquire land by living on it and making it productive.

A unique insight from the webinar is that the Virginia Company’s headright system tied the important factors of migration and land together by rewarding population increase with additional grants of land. This system allowed any person who paid their own transportation expense to settle in Virginia, or who paid for someone else to settle in Virginia, to receive 50 acres of land per settler.

To learn more about this topic and delve deeper into the records that will help uncover your ancestors’ migration stories, view the full webinar.

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  1. CD
    Cynthia Davis
    2 weeks ago

    Ms. Burke is well-informed on the subjects and I always enjoy her presentations. Glad to see her appearing here at Legacy Webinars.

  2. JF
    Jean Foster
    2 weeks ago

    Always enjoy Annette Lyttle speak. She gave a great presentation with lots of great information and where to find more on the subject.

  3. LI
    Laverne Ingram Piatt
    2 weeks ago

    Interesting topic, presented well.

  4. LG
    Lori Gillespie
    2 weeks ago

    The presenter was excellent. I appreciated how knowledgeable and prepared she was. She covered a lot of information in a professional and understandable way.

  5. SP
    Steven Perkins
    2 weeks ago

    Annette was knowledgeable, clear and concise. She took a complex subject and made it engaging and interesting. I learned quite a bit and will follow up on my ancestors and their land grants. I definitely want to learn more about their acquisition of lands.

  6. TM
    Terry Moore
    2 weeks ago

    So informative and well organized. Easy to follow.

  7. BC
    Brenda Crump
    2 weeks ago

    So much information. Would like to see breakout sessions with more Indepth information on each of the award systems and time periods.

  8. TB
    Trish Berger
    2 weeks ago

    This was very clearly the best BCG seminar that I have attended. Thank you. Information on the Colonial land grants F & I war was particularly helpful for me.


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