Spirit of St. Louis: Military & Civilian Records at the National Personnel Records Center

Tina Beaird

The National Records Personnel Center in St. Louis has many records pertinent to your soldier’s service. OMPFs, Official Military Personnel Files, monthly regimental rolls, hospital records, military court-martials and graves registration service files all offer clues into your veteran’s military experience. NPRC also houses civilian and government employment files as well. Was your grandfather in the Civilian Conservation Corps? Was your mother Postmaster? These records are available as well! Tina will describe the types of information to be found in these records and how you can access them in person.

Wed, November 19 2025: 19:00 UTC

About the speaker

About the speaker

Tina Beaird is owner of Tamarack Genealogy and is also a Genealogy/Local History Librarian at the Plainfield Public Library in Plainfield, IL. Tina lectures extensively on topics including genealogical methodology, military research and archival p
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