How Photos Enhance Genealogical Research

Daniel Horowitz
Aug 28, 2018
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Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 21s
Play. Playing.
5m 31s
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Where to Find Photos
17m 54s
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Understand Old Photos
15m 15s
Play. Playing.
6m 31s
Play. Playing.
MyHeritage Platform
10m 03s
Play. Playing.
2m 26s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
14m 29s

About this webinar

Photographs are an important resource in genealogical research. They add faces to the names in your family tree and teach you about how your ancestors lived. In this webinar, you can learn about the value of photos in discovering and preserving your family history, connecting to the past and present, and sharing your story. 

About the speaker

About the speaker

Genealogy Expert at MyHeritage, providing key contributions liaising with genealogy societies, bloggers and media, as well as lecturing, and attending conferences around the world. Dedicated to Genealogy since 1986, he was the teacher and the stud
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    Another wonderful webinar!

    Awesome clues on figuring out photos, thank you

    Brilliant webinar with lots of excellent information and advice for completing a fuller family tree picture.

    Daniel always has excellent presentations.

    Excellent and knowledgeable with good modulated speaking style

    Excellent information for beginner’s especially. I was able to learn a couple of new things though. Thank you.

    Excellent information which I hope to use soon.

    Excellent resource – will definitely watch a replay of this one to catch bits I might’ve missed.

    Excellent! Learned some new tips!


    Extremely informative.


    Good refresher!

    Great hints to use.

    Great webinar! Learned a lot more than I thought I would! Thanks 🙂


    I learned a lot of new information about My Heritage today. Thank you.

    I love photos — always have. Found it very interesting to hear about new websites and methods for locating or posting mystery photos. Happy to see how MyHeritage works with photos.

    I want to see it again.

    Info on facial detection and recognition is inspiring. Also, I have several old photos with on identification that I need to get on Dead Fred or other similar site. This served as a reminder.

    On to my photos. Thank you!

    Perfect!! Learned some new things

    Pleasantly surprised. Learned a few things

    Received some good information on how to find old photos on the internet.

    Thank you as always I have collected gems to aide in my research.

    Thank you Daniel for all the help with some of the boxes of photos that I have inherited from family members. Also how to look for missing photos of family members. Was writing as fast as I could to get all the great information that
    he was giving. Thank you again.

    Thought I knew it all — apparently, I don’t!!! Excellent webinar.

    Very Good! I need to watch again!

    Very helpful and the timing was perfect. I was just contacted by a family member yesterday wanting assistance with a box of photos and documents her husband had just inherited. What I learned today will be very helpful. Thank you so

    Very informative

    very informative – lots of great resources and advice

    Very informative and most interesting. Thank you! 🙂

    Very informative!

    Very informative! Thank you

    very informative.

    VERY interesting and lots of places to search that I haven’t searched yet. I took a lot of notes. Thank you for having this webinar!

    Very interesting topic.

    Very interesting!

    Very interesting! I learned some great tips.

    Very interesting. I have many old photos that I worry will disppear with my passing. This gives me some ideas.

    very useful…a good presenter!

    Webinar was very well organized and contained concise and descriptive slides that augmented the presentation. Well done!


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