How and When Did Our European Ancestors Get to Europe?

David Dowell
Aug 2, 2023
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Play. Playing.
1m 19s
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Speaker's Introduction
1m 06s
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9m 42s
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Sapiens Come to Europe
3m 20s
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Autosomal DNA Testing
8m 12s
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Ancient Origins
8m 19s
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Mitochondrial Lines
2m 52s
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yDNA Haplogroups
8m 02s
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Tree of Mankind
15m 52s
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Announcements / prizes
6m 48s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
18m 49s

About this webinar

We can trace the paths of ancestors far back into prehistory. We will never know their names or individual vital information. However BIG Y 700 and mtDNA tests now allow us to estimate the paths their haplogroups took as they migrated out of Africa and into Europe.

About the speaker

About the speaker

David Dowell has two degrees in history and two in library science as well as 35 years of experience as a librarian and 4 years as a special investigative officer in the USAF. He taught courses in U.S. genealogy research, European genealogy resear
Learn more...

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  1. KP
    Kay Pilgrim
    2 years ago

    Very informative. Interesting.

  2. CG
    Charles Goldsmith
    2 years ago

    All of Dave’s information is always very helpful in expanding my knowledge.

  3. PD
    Patrcia Diane Godinez
    2 years ago

    This was a very interesting presentation and the graphics were wonderful. I especially liked the pacing that David Dowell used. It was just right for such a complicated subject with the DNA clues and how they could be used to get out of Africa and then to move north. I will be watching this again!

  4. BL
    Barbara L Stanford
    2 years ago

    Mr. Dowell presented very interesting information on origins of certain haplogroups out of Africa and their travel paths and travel time to Europe. He also gave great information on the different types of DNA which can be used in research of families.

  5. KM
    Karen McAtlin
    2 years ago

    Will need to learn more about DNA and then rewatch this one. Thank you.

  6. TB
    Therese Beckman
    2 years ago

    Excellent and stimulating presentation from David. And now that I know about his other webinar, I’m going to watch it also!

  7. SA
    Sandie Axelsen
    2 years ago

    So much detail! I had a harder time connecting with the speaker on some processes…but he definitely knew his subject matter well. I look forward to getting on the different sites now, and studying some of the details I had found there in more detail.

  8. LJ
    Lu Jacobson
    2 years ago

    Very informative and extremely interesting. He answered some questions I’ve been asking myself about Eastern Europe showing up in my DNA results. A lot was over my head but hope to use some of it in further research.
