Explore Millions of Norwegian Historical Records

Vidar Øverlie

If you’re researching your roots in Norway, these resources are a fantastic place to start: National Archives of Norway, National Library of Norway, MyHeritage and Genealogy Society of Norway. In this session, Vidar Øverlie will help you explore these essential resources.

Fri, September 13 2024: 19:30 UTC

About the speakers

About the speakers

Vidar Øverlie, Master of Science in Engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, has been pursuing his family history research for more than 50 years. He is a member of genealogy societies in Norway, New Zealand, USA and Sw
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MyHeritage is the leading global destination for discovering, preserving and sharing family history. Our platform and DNA kits make it easy for anyone, anywhere to embark on a meaningful journey into their past and treasure their family stories fo
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