Ute Brandenburg

Ute Brandenburg is a professional genealogist in Iowa City, Iowa. Born in the US and raised and educated in Germany, she is not only equally fluent in German and English, but intimately familiar with German history and culture, as well as regional customs and dialects. Ute’s research interests include German immigration to the Midwest, research in the former Eastern Provinces of Prussia, German-Jewish research, and application of DNA in solving German research challenges. She has extensive experience reading handwritings from the 1600s to the present.

Ute's Upcoming Live Webinars (1)

Thu, August 15 2024: 0:00 UTC
Genealogy of East and West Prussia
Thu, August 15 2024: 0:00 UTC
This presentation discusses the turbulent history of the former German states of East Prussia and West Prussia, now part of Poland and Russia, and introduces resources for genealogical research in the region. The evolution of German culture in these two neighboring Prussian states was surprisingly divergent. Insight into the social and political history of these states is essential for successful research in the area.
This presentation discusses the turbulent history of the former German states of East Prussia and West Prussia, now part of Poland and Russia, and introduces resources for genealogical research in the region. The evolution of German culture in these two neighboring Prussian states was surprisingly divergent. Insight into the social and political history of these states is essential for successful research in the area.
Thu, August 15 2024: 0:00 UTC