Genealogy societies

Genealogy societies are the backbone of the genealogy industry. They preserve, publish, promote, and educate the public about how great genealogy is. We love societies!

Sometimes, due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control, a society is left at the last minute with the dreaded emergency – no speaker for their monthly meeting.

That’s where can help. We are always here for societies, and with the partnership of our team of genealogy speakers and their webinar recordings, we can help to fill these last-minute needs. Below is our official policy on how societies and other organizations can utilize our webinar content.

  • Organizations may broadcast any of the live webinars to your group at the time of the live event without needing to obtain permission.
  • Organizations may rebroadcast any of the 100+ webinar recordings in the free area of the webinar library without needing to obtain permission.
  • Organizations may rebroadcast any of the webinar recordings during the 7-day free viewing period after the live event.
  • All other webinar recordings in the membership part of the library are not permitted to be rebroadcast without first making arrangements with the speaker regarding permissions and compensation/pricing. Please contact us at if you need the email address of the speaker.